1 maggio 2008

My voice. My feelings.
My need to leave. Away. Far far away.
I have to miss myself.
I have to hear my music, my words. Feel my body, my mind.
It seem I can write anything. Why ?
Where is all my creativity ? It's a fear problem.
I'm scared sometime.
It's all a waste of time, of money.
It's sad, you can buy everything. No ?
I want to leave a sign.
Remember me.
Just moments, seconds.

A kiss.

A stolen kiss.
Hot words. Hot awake.
The wind come to the open window. My open mind.
I have to go or I have to stay.
Memories. Drunken people.
I need the most beautiful cigarette in the world.
I need a heart.
I'm crazy. I'm alone.
This is just my job.

Understand ?

Silence. It's time to sleep.

Come to me Jimmy, come !

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